Gratitude Challenge #3: The Gratitude Journal

  Exactly one year ago today, I started my very first Gratitude Journal. It was an attempt to live more in the moment. Some might think it’s silly but I wanted to know that had I died today, at least my last was a good one.   Now, looking back in retrospect, I’ve concluded the…

The Gift of Gratitude

“Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it” ~William Arthur Ward Give the Gift of Gratitude this Christmas season.

Gratitude Challenge #2: Count the Stars

Gratitude Challenge #2: Count the Stars On a Tuesday winter evening one year before, I was standing in the book aisle of Costco waiting for my mom to finish grocery shopping. Browsing around, I was intrigued by a copy of Oprah’s What I Know For Sure. As I flipped the pages randomly, I came across…

Gratitude Challenge #1: The Thank You Note

Gratitude Challenge #1: The Thank You Note What it’s all about: Every day for 1 week, write a thank you letter to someone who has impacted your life. It could be to a friend, family member, teacher, or coach. You don’t have to write it on a post card to mail it as a letter…