Gratitude Challenge #2: Count the Stars

Gratitude Challenge #2: Count the Stars

On a Tuesday winter evening one year before, I was standing in the book aisle of Costco waiting for my mom to finish grocery shopping. Browsing around, I was intrigued by a copy of Oprah’s What I Know For Sure. As I flipped the pages randomly, I came across an idea that caught me eye. It was something along the lines of:

Start rating the little things that make you happy.

Allow me to give you an example. A cup of coffee – 3 stars. Going out for a jog – 5 stars. Listening to music – 4 stars. Hanging out with friends – 5 stars. Eating a cookie – 5 stars.

These are all passing moments in life that can be savoured and enjoyed. This habit, to me, became the ultimate way to practice mindfulness and gratitude. It is so simple, yet so incredibly powerful.

As I started to do this, I became infinitely more aware of the small luxuries life has to offer. I started to treasure them more, relish the moment for longer, and become overall happier for the stars that illuminated my soul every day.

Being aware of my stars brought a sky-full of light into my life. I guess that’s what stars are for, aren’t they?

When you are standing alone in the pitch dark depths of the night,

Look up.

Stare a little longer.

And one by one,

You will slowly find the millions of stars for you to count.

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