Gratitude Challenge #1: The Thank You Note

Gratitude Challenge #1: The Thank You Note

What it’s all about:

Every day for 1 week, write a thank you letter to someone who has impacted your life. It could be to a friend, family member, teacher, or coach. You don’t have to write it on a post card to mail it as a letter (although you most definitely could), it can just be as simple as sending that person a Facebook message or leaving a sticky note on their locker.

How it works:

It is best to do this every morning after you wake up. Take a few minutes out of your day and send a heartfelt Facebook message to one of your friends. After you press “Send”, look up, take a deep breath and know that the person on the receiving end will be pleasantly surprised. Smile to yourself a bit thinking about what their reaction might be and with that, you have set yourself up for an amazing day to come. When your mornings are divine, the rest of the day tends to follow suit. Trust me, you will feel SO great after doing this.

Best of luck,
The Improvement Movement

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