Practicing Mindfulness: A How-to Guide

Last week we talked about the scientific benefits of practicing meditation. However, meditation can be difficult, especially for beginners. Luckily, there’s another way to get the benefits of meditation: Practicing mindfulness. Here’s how you can start: A quick crash course on meditation: Sit straight (slouching will interfere with concentration) Focus on the breath and physical…

5 Scientifically-Backed Reasons Why You Should Start Meditating

Practicing mindfulness and meditation has become a trending topic in the health and wellness community. There are claims that meditation: Improves cognitive function Reduces stress Increases empathy Enhances creativity Here’s the science that backs it up: Our brains are actually more active while “idle” While daydreaming or meditating, our brain becomes 10 percent more active…

The Obsession With Passion

Passion, how important is it really? Finding your passion, what does that really mean? Don’t get me wrong. Passion is important, but what happens when the passion dissipates? We are all told growing up that finding our passion is the number one most important aspect when looking for a career and while that might be…

6 Quotes for Singles this Valentines Day

Spending Valentine’s Day alone? Sick of all those obnoxiously cheesy couples out there? Here are 6 quotes for you to ponder as you embrace being single. (P.S. Don’t be afraid of clicking the underlined words. It may help brighten your day even more.) 1. “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to…

Ditching “The ONE”

Every year, there’s a new wave of grade 12 students entering post-secondary. For many of these students, the concept of post-secondary is absolutely daunting. What will it be like? Will I make friends? Is the Freshman 15 really true? Will my professors care if I sleep in lectures?   And perhaps the most intimidating question…